Digital Fitness - Friday, Jan. 15, 2021


Last Friday, we officially opened our IT Circle Netherlands year with our "Digital Fitness" side event with guest speaker Martijn Aslander. Last year proved like no other how dependent we have become on our computer, our most important tool, but we often use it like an old-fashioned typewriter.

One of your most important resources is information capital. Miraculously, we store that in old socks called folders, subfolders or documents. As a result, you usually can't access it quickly. This takes time, but more importantly, energy and clout. This lack of information liquidity is one of the greatest limitations in our work.

How do we become more efficient, more decisive, get more out of our tools and out of our time? We held an interactive session about that. With a lot of enthusiasm and additions from all participants, it turned out that the subject is very topical. We from IT Circle Netherlands are going to pay more attention to this topic in the course of this year. Along the following axes, Digital Awareness, Digital Hygiene, Digital Skills, Personal Knowledge Management and Personal Growth.

Watch the event by clicking on the YouTube link to the right. And download here Martijn Aslander's show notes.


Watch the event back here


09:45 online check in and registration
10.00 opening by Karen van der Zanden & Frits Bussemaker
10.15 Digital Fitness by Martijn Aslander
11.15 conclusion

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