Every day as human beings we move with the flow of our personal lives and that of our professional roles. This flow is continuously subject to change: socially and from our work. How do we deal with the dynamics of the themes within that flow, such as eating more consciously, exercising more and (self) development?

We include the themes aimed at us as individuals in our role in the organization where we work. Here these themes are linked to the organizational objectives such as an inclusive organization, conscious leadership and a healthy working environment (wellbeing). From individual to team to organization, major themes that we can connect.

The I-opener Event offers depth and insight into this. In the form of a parade you can take a journey with beautiful workshops, stories, interactive sessions, treats and new VR technologies, all provided by our members!

The power of ‘The day has started and what now…’ is within you! For all these themes you have and are the key to embracing, changing, encouraging and/or inspiring yourself and your environment.


The Moral Game by Rens van der Vorst (Fontys Hogeschool)

DEI Facts and Fallacies by Suzanne Bijkerk (Rabobank)

DeepMemory by Yori Ettema (Parnassia)

Empowering Through Examples: The Importance of Female Role Models by Jasmina Omic (NXP)

VR Experience by Mary Jane Roy & Rodney Frank  (Amplify DEI)

Keep on breathing by Jill Engelsman (Breath Less-Move More)

Generation Diversity by Caroline Koldewijn & Marielle Terlien (DSW)

Inclusiveness in accessibility by Herman Eberstadt (UWV)

Applying Disc in your team by Hélène Rademakers (Waternet)

The Power of Community: A Catalyst for Realizing Potential by Julia Jakimenko (Rabobank Women in Tech)

Diverse Teams Provide Inclusive Algorithm by Sofie Berns (Defensie)

Breaking the (unconscious) biases by Atashi Mukherjee (Shell)

Inclusivity Pathway by Birol Ona & Somya Bouzaggou (InHolland)


Thursday, November 30, 2023 13.00 – 17.30 uur
Firma van Buiten, Delft